Posts by category


Fade groups of objects in Unity3d.

1 minute read

I would like to share a small library I made for fading any kind of objects. It works similar to unity3d canvas group but can be used not only for UI. It als...

Buying stuff like in Kingdom: New Lands.

1 minute read

I implemented this technique in my game. Feel free to use it. The idea of it is that you see the “price” nodes above the building you want to buy.

Organizing game logic scripts

3 minute read

Today I will share the way I build up game objects in unity3d. As an example, I will take spaceship controlled by a player. I’ve spent a good amount of tim...

Setting up the project in Unity3d

2 minute read

The bundle of useful scripts that helps to organize your project from scratch. Includes adding project, scene and object tree and coding templates generator.
