Buying stuff like in Kingdom: New Lands.
I implemented this technique in my game. Feel free to use it. The idea of it is that you see the “price” nodes above the building you want to buy.
private int currentPrice = 0; // how many nodes should be used in price. I made up to 12.
private float size = 1.0f;
private Transform[] nodeObjs; // predefined price nodes
private float arcSize = 0.1f; // the height of the arc. ( showing row like parabola )
private float fadeSpeed = 0.2f;
private Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0,36,0);
private List<Vector3> positions = new List<Vector3>(); // position array of used nodes
/// <summary>
/// Bad in math. Good in bed.
/// </summary>
void CalculateNodes()
// Add nodes to array with we will work
Transform[] nodes = new Transform[currentPrice];
for (int i = 0;i<nodeObjs.Length;i++)
if (currentPrice>i)
nodes[i] = nodeObjs[i];
// we will calculate single row length based on amount of price nodes.
int rowLength = currentPrice / 2;
if (currentPrice < 7)
rowLength = currentPrice;
float zPos = 0;
float extraOffset = 0;
//dirty hacks to be sure we can get nodes from the upper left corner.
List<Vector3> row1 = new List<Vector3>();
List<Vector3> row2 = new List<Vector3>();
for (int i = 0; i < currentPrice; i++)
float offset = 0;
float arcRatio = 0;
float yHeight = 0;
if (i < rowLength)
zPos = size * 1.25f;
extraOffset = 0;
if ((rowLength % 2) == 0)
extraOffset = size * 0.5f;
offset = (rowLength / 2 * size - extraOffset) * -1;
arcRatio = Mathf.PingPong((float)i / (float)(rowLength-1), 0.5f);
zPos = 0;
extraOffset = 0;
if (((currentPrice - rowLength) % 2) == 0)
extraOffset = size * 0.5f;
arcRatio = Mathf.PingPong((float)(i-rowLength) / (float)(currentPrice-rowLength-1), 0.5f);
offset = ((rowLength*size) + ((currentPrice-rowLength) / 2 * size - extraOffset)) * -1 ;
yHeight = Mathf.Sin(arcRatio * Mathf.PI)*arcSize;
nodes[i].localPosition = new Vector3(offset + i * size, yHeight, -zPos);
if (i < rowLength)
// Adding rows to positions array. You will need it to get price point index.
Follow me at my Twitch channel where I’m showing creation process of the Battlecruiser.